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Serye’s journey into the field of therapy is deeply rooted in her diverse cultural background and her passion for helping others navigate life’s challenges. Born in South Korea and raised in the United States, Serye’s multicultural upbringing has given her a unique perspective on her practice as a therapist. She attended Hendrix College in Arkansas, where she pursued a dual degree in psychology and Spanish, laying the foundation for her understanding of human behavior and communication. Serye continued her education at Agnes Scott College in Georgia, where she earned her master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.


Serye is currently under the supervision of Chelsea Harris, MS, ATR-BC, LPC, CPCS. Her clinical expertise spans a wide range of challenges, with a particular focus on children and adolescents facing issues such as anxiety, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), depression, and emotion regulation difficulties. In her therapeutic practice, Serye adopts an integrative approach, drawing from various modalities including Adlerian therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and expressive therapy utilizing art. She believes in the power of collaboration and works closely with each client to co-create personalized treatment plans tailored to their unique needs and goals. Serye places a strong emphasis on building a supportive therapeutic alliance, recognizing that it serves as the foundation for meaningful growth and healing. Guided by her commitment to cultural humility and social justice, Serye adheres to the principles of the Multicultural Social Justice Competency for Counselors (MSJCC) model, striving to create a safe and inclusive space where individuals from all walks of life feel heard, valued, and empowered.


Beyond her professional endeavors, Serye finds joy and fulfillment in her artistic pursuits. In her free time, she creates art and crafts projects, finding inspiration in the beauty of self-expression and creativity. Serye aspires to integrate her passion for art into her therapeutic practice, recognizing its potential to foster connection, resilience, and personal growth, particularly among young children. With compassion, multicultural perspective, and dedication to holistic healing, Serye is committed to supporting individuals on their journey towards greater well-being and fulfillment.


Korean Translation:

치료 상닎사 김섞례의 삶곌 여정은 귞녀의 닀양한 묞화적 배겜곌 겜험을 통핎 축적된 귞녀만의 독특성을 가지고 있습니닀. 귞녀는 한국에서 태얎나 가족곌 핚께 믞국윌로 읎죌핎서 유년시절을 볎낎고 석사곌정까지 마쳀습니닀. 김섞례 상닎사는 알칞사죌에 있는 Hendrix College에서 심늬학을 전공하고 부전공윌로 슀페읞얎륌 했습니닀. 귞녀는 학업의 더 구첎적읞 목표륌 위핎 조지아에 있는 Agnes Scott College에서 임상정신상닎학을 읎수하여 석사학위륌 받았습니닀.


현재 김섞례 상닎사는 Chelsea Harris, MS, ATR-BC, LPC, CPCS의 지도륌 받고 있습니닀. 귞녀의 임상전묞지식은 닀양하고 폭넓게 펌쳐젞 있습니닀. 특히 얎늰읎와 청소년에 쎈점을 맞춰 불안, ADHD, 자폐 슀펙튞럌 장애 (ASD), 우욞슝및 감정조절의 얎렀움곌 같은 묞제에 ꎀ심을 갖고 치료륌 닎당하고 있습니닀. 귞녀는 아듀레늬안 치료(Adlerian Therapy), 읞지행동치료(CBT) 및 예술을 활용한 표현 치료(Expressive Therapy)등 닀양한 양식의 치료방법을 적극 활용하여 치료에 임하고 있습니닀. 

 ê·žë…€ëŠ” 낚닀륞 묞화적 읎핎와 헌신된 마음윌로 낎닎자의 닀양한 배겜곌 정첎성을 읎핎하며 지속적읞 학습곌 자Ʞ성찰을 게을늬 하지 않윌렀 녞력하고 있습니닀. 김섞례 상닎사는 각 개읞의 가치와 권늬향상을 도몚하며 안전하고 닀양한 공간을 만듀Ʞ 위핎 최선을 닀하고 있습니닀. 귞녀는 또한 상닎사륌 위한 닀묞화 사회정의역량(MSJCC)의 몚덞 원칙을 쀀수하고 있습니닀.


 ê·žë…€ëŠ” 상닎사의 전묞성곌 더불얎 예술추구에 대한 엎의도 가지고 있습니닀. 

예술의 찜작곌 표현을 통핎 자Ʞ륌 발견하고 표현한닀는 것을 알고 읎륌 적극 활용하는 믞술곌 공예 프로젝튞륌 만듀Ʞ도 합니닀. 특히 얎늰 아읎듀의 치료에 연계핎 귞듀의  회복력곌  개읞적읞 성장 잠재력을 발견하며 예술을 통한 치료륌 적극 활용하는 방법을 몚색하고 있습니닀. 귞녀는 심늬상닎에 대한 읎핎에 Ʞ반을 두고 귞녀의 겜험곌 성장을 통핎  전첎적읞 치유에 대한 헌신된 마음윌로 낎닎자 슀슀로의 믞래륌 만듀얎 나가는데 도움읎 되Ʞ륌 바띌며 엎심히 최선을 닀핎 섬Ʞ고 있습니닀.


Serye Kim, MA

770-726-9589 x130

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Serye Kim, MA


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